LG Constructions_About

About Lou Goodwin Constructions

At Lou Goodwin Constructions, we believe in making the building experience as smooth as possible for all involved, from clients to co-workers. 

Established in 2019, Lou has over 10 years of experience and worked alongside some of Australia’s leading builders and architects. Before deciding to create the company to build them himself. Within a short period, it has become well known for its building excellence, quality craftsmanship and attention to detail.

We strive to establish a trusting, ongoing relationship throughout the design process to ensure a pleasant and positive experience. We pride ourselves on having a courteous, friendly and informative approach with every client. This is shown through clear communication, effective solutions and a commitment to transparency at all stages of the construction process.

Lou Goodwin Constructions’ strong team of skilled tradesmen take pride in the expertise they bring to each build and in delivering work of the highest standard. Every tradesman is always striving for excellence in the interest of the project and the client. 

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